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Applying texture fills

Texture fills are three-dimensional patterns. You can use preset texture fills, such as water, minerals, and clouds, or you can edit a preset to create a custom texture fill. You cannot import files to use as texture fills.

When you edit a texture fill, you can modify parameters, such as the softness, density, brightness, and colors. Parameters vary for each texture. Once you have edited a texture fill, you can save it as a custom texture fill.

Photo Paint fill texture Applying texture fills

You can modify the attributes of a texture fill to change its appearance.

To apply a texture fill

Photo Paint btnbacktotop Applying texture fills
In the toolbox, click the Fill tool Photo Paint pgx fill tool Applying texture fills.
If you want to fill an object, you must select it by using the Object pick tool Photo Paint pgx pick tool Applying texture fills before applying the fill.
Click the Texture fill button Photo Paint pgx texture fill icon Applying texture fills on the property bar.
Click the Edit fill button Photo Paint pgx edit fill Applying texture fills on the property bar.
In the Texture fill dialog box, choose a texture library from the Texture library list box.
Choose a texture from the Texture list.
Click OK.
Click where you want to apply the fill in the image.

You can also
Edit a texture fill preset
In the Style name area of the Texture fill dialog box, type values in the texture parameter boxes.
Preview random changes in the appearance of a selected texture
Click Preview in the Texture fill dialog box. Each time the button is clicked, random changes are made to unlocked parameters, and the modified texture displays in the Preview window.
Save fill settings
Click the Add fill button Photo Paint pgx add preset Applying texture fills, and type a name in the Texture name box in the Save texture as dialog box. Choose a library from the Library name list box.
Specify a value for the opacity of the fill
Type a value in the Transparency box on the property bar. Higher values increase the transparency.
Specify how the fill spreads based on the color similarity of adjacent pixels
Type a value in the Tolerance box on the property bar. A value of 100 fills the entire object or area.
Change the way colors are combined
Choose a merge mode from the Mode list box on the property bar.

Photo Paint note Applying texture fills

Texture fills are scaled to the image or image area to which you apply them.
You cannot tile texture fills.

Photo Paint tip Applying texture fills

To apply a fill to a text object, you can first render the text as an editable area by selecting the text object with the Text tool Photo Paint loc pgx text tool Applying texture fills and clicking the Create text mask button Photo Paint loc pgx create text mask Applying texture fills on the property bar. This produces a text-shaped editable area to which you can apply fills.

Applying texture fills